Methods for detecting parasites in the human body

The problem of infection with parasites is not sufficiently discussed in society, so one begins to be interested in the question of how to identify parasites in the body, only after the worms have caused a serious danger to health.

Ordinary people do not notice the problems that arise until the effects of worms begin to affect their well -being.

To begin timely treatment, it is important to know how to determine the presence of parasites in the body - this is about the symptoms of helminthiasis that we will talk about in the article.

Parasites, of course

Parasites are inferior life forms that exist at the expense of host organisms. They can exist on the surface of the skin, affecting internal organs, tissues, mucous membranes.

By taking in nutrients that enter the host body, protozoa poison the human body as a result of their vital activities.

Depending on its location, there are several main types of parasites:

  • endoparasites are found in the human body (echinococcus, lamblia, toxoplasma, as well as viruses, bacteria, fungi);
  • ectoparasites live on the surface of the body, they can exist in the external environment. Their important activity is based on the absorption of blood cells and tissues of the host body. This group includes fleas, ticks, ticks, rotten fleas.

Often, cream worms, ascaris, pig tapeworms, cow tapeworms, lamblia, alveococcus, echinococcus, broad tapeworms are found from worms.

The adult body, along with all functioning systems, can prevent some attacks from parasites.

In the oral cavity, along with saliva, enzymes are produced that are lethal to worm eggs. The acidic environment of the stomach also serves as a protective system.

types of human internal parasites

The next protective barrier - for persistent representatives of helminths - is the immune system.

However, in the body of an immature child, the protective barrier may not work, which can lead to infection with parasites.

In the process of evolution, endoparasites have learned to survive in unusual conditions, adapt to any changes and destroy the body asymptomatically, practically not betraying their presence.

According to studies, it takes months or even years from the moment of infection until the first signs of helminthiasis appear.

To detect an infection at an early stage, you need to know how to identify parasites in the human body.

You should carefully monitor the changes in your own body and its signals in order to be able to observe the symptoms of poisoning in a timely manner with the waste products of helminths and to identify whether there are parasites in the body.

Signs of worm infection

The presence of parasites in the body always affects the state of human health. But the signs that indicate the defeat of protozoa are similar to the symptoms of a common disease.

To find out if parasites are present in the body, a medical examination will be possible.

There are the following groups of signs that indicate an infection of the organism:

  • body intoxication;
  • damage to the nervous system;
  • gastrointestinal tract disorders;
  • skin problem.

Systematic exposure to toxic substances produced by parasites can cause headaches, weakness, nausea, and increased fatigue.

There was a slight rise in temperature to 37. 5 for no apparent reason. The work of the immune system is disturbed, which is a consequence of the occurrence of colds, intestinal disorders, allergies.

The obvious sign of a parasite attack is nonsensical weight loss due to the body’s struggle with worms for nutrients.

Children are most likely to get these symptoms. If a child has lost weight dramatically in a normal way of life, then it is very important to check whether the child has helminthiasis.

As a result of prolonged poisoning with worm poisons, restlessness, stress, and irritability occur.

Sleep disturbances can be triggered, especially in the middle of the night. At this time, according to human biorhythms, the liver is the most active, and the absurd awakening may be the result of the body’s efforts to get rid of toxic substances.

According to some sources, the reaction of the nervous system to the intervention of parasites is bruxism - teeth grind during sleep. Many consider this to be a sign of the presence of parasites in the child, which has not been scientifically confirmed.

The presence of parasites has a negative impact on the function of the gastrointestinal tract. The worms act on the intestinal wall, causing irritation and inflammation.

As a result, the absorption of nutrients and fat compounds is reduced. Moving to the large intestine, the worms cause cramps. During their vital activity, many types of parasites secrete certain substances that cause diarrhea.

Worms have different shapes and sizes, so they can cause blockage of some organs, bile ducts and intestines, which causes constipation.

Located in the small intestine, parasitic creatures cause bloating, bloating, and inflammation. Frequent bloating indicates the presence of microorganisms in the system.

Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, in turn, lead to changes in the skin: acne, pimples, spots of unknown origin, baldness, papilloma, dermatitis.

Often, parasites are the cause of allergic reactions: urticaria, rash, eczema. This is due to the fact that worms produce toxins that activate the immune system, which leads to a reaction from the body.

If you notice in yourself or your child some of the changes listed above, you should immediately see a doctor to be checked for parasites.

A qualified parasitologist will carry out understandable and accessible instructions (explain how to examine, what tests to do), and, based on the test results, will prescribe treatment.

Laboratory methods for the diagnosis of helminthiasis

In the human body, parasites, larvae and eggs are located in different organs. The ability to move within the body and, as a result, be in every body system, makes the identification of helminthiasis difficult.

In the early stages, parasites can be detected in no more than 15% of patients of the total infected.

How to know if there are helminths in the body? To detect all forms of clinical parasites, complex studies were performed, combining various methods.

To detect worms in the laboratory research process, the following biological materials are used:

  • excrement;
  • hempedu;
  • urine;
  • phlegm;
  • blood;
  • muscle;
  • perianal and rectal mucus.

The traditional method that allows you to examine a child or adult for the presence of protozoa is the study of a patient’s stool.

To do this, you must pass the appropriate analysis. This proven method allows you to determine the presence of bodies, larvae and eggs of protozoa, to express their type.

Immunological methods consist in blood tests that detect antigens and antibodies against certain types of microorganisms.

Antigens are directly represented by parasites and the toxins they produce, and antibodies (immunoglobulins) are produced against antigens in human blood.

This method is informative, with its help more than 90% of the species of parasitic microorganisms can be detected.

As a result of blood tests, it is possible to identify parasitic organisms and know the dynamics of the development of the disease.

Serological methods are used in the acute stage of the disease. For this analysis, you must donate blood.

Biofluids will serve as the material through which antibodies to certain types of parasites can be found.

This method is often used in combination with X-ray examination, ultrasound and endoscopy.

You can check for the presence of parasites through PCR diagnostics. This method makes it possible to detect specific parasitic organisms through specific DNA analysis.

With the help of PCR diagnostics, one can detect parasites in the test material and project further disease progression.

Less common in modern medicine, parasites are detected using bioresonance studies, coprogram histrograms, hemoscanning, and electroacupuncture.

Every year, new and existing diagnostic methods and studies are being developed and improved. This allows you to identify parasites at a stage when the worms have not yet caused changes in body work.

Modern medicine recommends prophylaxis of parasitic attacks 2 times a year. There are many pharmaceuticals for this.

Before using the drug, you should consult a doctor, because antihelminthic agents are poisonous not only on helminths, but also on the human body.